Sunday, February 19, 2006

Yeah, right.

"Hey... Maybe, you trusted people who are never really worth trusting, by anyone. Life is beautiful. But not all the people we encounter on it are. Come to think of it, if nobody shits on you from time to time, it'll get boring."

Above is a comment I made to a friend's blog, which talked about trusting and being disappointed with the people he gave his trust to. When I happened to read it again, I realized someone should give me a like comment. Hahaha :))

I basically give my trust to people I meet. He/she doesn't have to earn it. I give it freely. Which, somehow leads to lots of hurt, tears and feeling like a fool.

Well, this behavior must be a manifestation of my assumption (okay, belief) that people are born good. Something that I'm beginning to rethink recently. Believing that people are born evil would probably save me from lots of hurt and tears... Maybe. But I still have faith in the innate goodness of people.

But hey, I know it's human nature to give more value to something they worked hard to achieve or get than to something that they got freely. That's why I expect most to not give my trust high value. Though, I hope that they do.

In my way of thinking, being able to put high value to the trust I gave freely bears more weight than being able to put high value to a trust earned. The first is more valuable since the person who is able to do it defied human nature. A person doing the latter is just reacting normally. Definitely (at least for me), the person who is able to accomplish the first is better than the others.

I only settle for that kind of persons... Better, or better than better (a.k.a. best) persons. LOL :P

---> Sobrang mayabang ba? LOL


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